
The best private tutors at your convenience.

X Tutoring

We believe in making learning a joyful experience.

We believe in stimulating a learners’ interest in the subjects being tutored to ensure that they are eager to learn.

 Whether your child is looking to get ahead, catch up, or just stay on track, we can help.

We value excellence therefore all our tutors received distinctions in the subjects they tutor.

Learning is important but learning how to learn stays with you forever and that is something our tutors prioritize

Time with a TutorX


Your Understanding

"My children and I's experience with X Tutoring so far has been really good."
X Tutoring Illustration
"Thank you for sharing your intellectual strengths, skills and expertise. You are such a God sent"
"My daughter is having a much better understanding of her work."
Tutoring Family

Get Started in 4 easy steps

  1. Inform us of the subject you need tutoring for.
  2. Select a package option.
  3. Make the 40% deposit.
  4. Connect with your Tutor X within 30 minutes! 

Accessibility is one of our core values.

We work hard everyday to provide our clients with the best tutoring service at an affordable rate. Our mission is to ensure that no child is left behind.

X Tutoring
Tutors Near Me

Different people learn in different ways which is why we cater to the individual's specific needs.

All learners have the potential to achieve great things. We serve to nurture that potential so that the learner may not only learn about their subjects but that they may learn about themselves too.


If you have been referred by a current TutorX tutor, paste the reference code here.
Tutoring Family

Want to earn some money as a tutor while giving back to your community?

Work from anywhere and earn some extra cash. Side Hustle Style


Number of hours dedicated to our clients.

Client Retension rate
1 %

We aim to meet and exceed our clients expectations.

Choose the perfect plan


Per hour


1 hour 30 minutes


two hours


Most preferred starting package

5 hourly lessons


10 hourly lessons


15 hourly lessons

Want to be a Tutor X?

We are looking for school and university tutors with the following qualifications:

Outstanding marks in the subject you would like to tutor.

Patient and good at explaining concepts.

Passionate at about education and imparting knowledge to the younger generation.

Send us your CV, ID copy, Matric Certificate, University transcript (if applicable)

Email: recruiting@tutorx.africa

X Tutoring
Tutoring Family

Want to earn some money as a tutor while giving back to your community?

Work from anywhere and earn some extra cash. Side Hustle Style

X Tutoring

Get in touch

Contact Us

Phone : + 27 82 544 9799

Email : info@tutorx.africa

Our Hours

MON-FRI 08:00 – 21:30

SAT-SUN 10:00 – 14:00

Why us?

X Tutoring
Giving back

We believe in giving back to our communities. TutorX lives through the 'Lift As You Rise' philosophy.

Tutoring Family

Tutors prepare for each individual lessons to ensure that the learners get the best value.

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Tutors provide mentoring to the students as our tutors are young and can relate to younger students that may require some positive role models.


Tutoring service tailored to your particular needs and capabilities. Ensuring that you get the best results you could imagine.


You will have access to the highest caliber of tutors dedicated to seeing you reach and exceed your goals.


Countless resources and new and intuitive study techniques aimed at teaching the most efficient ways of learning.


Due to the personalized nature of our tutoring your comfort will be prioritized to ensure that you will retain as much of the knowledge as possible.

We do the hard work of finding you the perfect tutor

Need A tutor? sign up here for a free qoutation

In-person sessions can only occur if tutor is situated within 15km radius of learner.

Frequently asked questions

We the hourly rate starts from R189.99 but depends on the subject being tutored. A payment of 40% is required before a tutor may be reserved.

However we do have package offerings. 

We do performance audits for our tutors comprising of both the student’s improvement in the subjects being tutored as well as the level of customer service the guardians and student feels they are receiving.

Payments are made to the X Tutoring bank account. 

It started as a conversation  surrounding the accessibility to competent and affordable tutoring in South Africa. A great number of capable and educated minds are available in South Africa. It seemed like a great idea to create a platform for them to not only give back to their communities but to make some extra cash on the side as well. #SideHustles

Yes we are. If you are interesting in being an X Tutor simply email us at recruiting@xtutoring.co.za and we will get back to you as soon as we can. 

All our tutors have a background police clearance done so that we ensure that we recruit only the best kind of candidates to tutor. Background check clearances are done by AfiSwitch.

Afiswitch performs fingerprint clearances on behalf of the SA Police Service (SAPS) against the SAPS fingerprint database of all known convicted and/or case awaiting trial persons to determine the previous conviction and/or case awaiting trial status of an applicant relating to:

Tutoring Family

Want to earn some money as a tutor while giving back to your community?

Work from anywhere and earn some extra cash. Side Hustle Style

11 SECRETS ONLY STRAIGHT A STUDENTS KNOWGet this free booklet letting you in on the techniques high achievers use.

Tried and tested ways to empower your child on their journey to academic success.